Datastage 7.5 Software Download
I have developed a lot of DataStage 7.5 jobs and I must to delivey them to testing and then to production environment. I used, in the jobs, User Defined project variables and I'm looking for a procedure to automatically create these variables in different environments.
Datastage 7.5 Software Free Download
For DataStage 9.1, there is the ability to export and then import the variables in the section Environment variables of InfoSphere DataStage Administration, as on following image:There is a simple solution other than manually entering the variables ? Visual dialog script 6 keygen.
I have started my work on datastage 7.1,7.5 and 8.0,8.1,8.2 and now datastage 8.5. The major change from datastage 7.5 is to datastage 8.0 is as fallows. The datastage 7.5 version. The installation of the datastage was done in one server.where the datastage service,Engine(server or parallel) and metadata was all installed in one server only.
1 Answer
I have found a possible solution. For DataStage version 7.5 there is an executable DSAdmin which it can perform some administrative tasks. For User Defined project variables, exist option envadd
The command dsadmin is located in the $DS_HOME/bin directory and has the syntax as the following example:
where = DataStage Server Ip and port
dsadm/dsadmExample = user and password of DataStage administrative user
OracleDBSourceName = user variable name
STRING = type of variable; can be STRING or ENCRYPTED
'Oracle DB Source Name' = prompt for variable presented to user
ora_source = variable default value
dts_proj = DataStage project name to add variable
DsAdmin command can be used for other admministrative task as such as create a project, list project properties and user variables, change project properties