Fsm Serial Adder
Design of Serial adderMoore Machine Revathi S. Unsubscribe from Revathi S? From a Finite State Machine to a Circuit - Duration: 10:19. Abelardo Pardo 114,344 views. Serial Adder: Serial adder consists of the shift registers and the adder FSM. In serial adder three shift registers are used for the inputs A and B and the output sum. The shift registers are loaded with parallel data when the circuit is reset.
Design is a serial adder. It takes 8-bit inputs A and B and adds them in a serial fashion when the goinput is set to 1. The result of the operation is stored in a 9-bit sum register, The block diagram is attached. I am using Quartus II 13.0sp1 (64-bit) Web Edition.
Serial Adder using Mealy and Moore FSM in VHDL: Mealy type FSM for serial adder, Moore type FSM for serial adder.
Errors:Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at LAB9b.v(56) near text 'â'; expecting ':', or ','i have not written this text 'â' anywhere in the code but still it is sowing me syntax error near 'â' .??
Following is the Code written :-
Greg1 Answer
Moore Type Fsm Serial Adder
is not '
(notice the shape difference). Verilog works with the apostrophe character ('
, ASCII 0x27). Your ’
is likely an extended ASCII character. There is also a »
character, which I believe should be !
I'm guessing you wrote your code in word editor (ex Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer, Apple iWork, etc). These kinds of editors tend to swap '
for ’
while you type because it is more visually appealing for humans. Email clients and some messaging apps tend to do this too.
You should always write your code in a plain texted editor or an editor intended for writing code. Emacs and Vim are popular editors for writing code; syntax highlighting plugins are available for both. An IDE, like Eclipse, is another option. Notepad does work as well.
I also noticed you used and assign
statement on the reg
type temp
. This is not legal in verilog. assign
statements can only be done on net types (e.g. wire
). You may have other compiling errors that will show up after fixing ’
and »
, the error message will likely be more helpful.
The compiler will not flag it, but recommend coding style is to use blocking assignments (=
) inside combination block (always@(*)
), not non-blocking (<=
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