Rapidshare Traveller Rpg Ships
Traveller - Book 2 - Starships. Size: 15.9MB Ext: pdf dpi: Added: 2016-02-10T12:12:32.000Z Local path: M: RPG SF Traveller Classic Traveller Traveller - Book 2 - Starships.pdf. Welcome to RPGsuite. We think a sci-fi game should have a sci-fi interface: bring a higher tech level to your tabletop with the Traveller Character Generator and Digital Character Sheet. Create your own custom starships with our upcoming Starship Architect, and travel the galaxy. Watch Our Video.
My RPG group ran into a bit of an issue with Ship Shares and mission payouts.
My character was joining a game in progress. He mustered out as an Analyst: Technical Expert, and went on to become a Spy: Operative.
Rapidshare Traveller Rpg Ships Download
What value of ship, or how much of the value of a ship, do they apply to? Do they apply to the campaign's current ship, or some other ship filled with NPCs?
How do the profits of a ship get applied to owning shares of a ship through dividends? How are the shares of the ship owned by the mortgaging bank bought or sold, and what happens if there's a huge windfall while the bank owns a bunch of shares?
The Mongoose Traveller rules seem very fuzzy with regard to all of this.
Hi. I just started a game of Traveller with some friends, and I'm going to be DMing. This will be our first experience of Traveller for all of us.
We'd really like to play a game based on travelling around and trading between planets, kind of Firefly-esque, just scraping by and flirting with both sides of the law.
Problem is, now we have characters generated, even as a group they're so far off being able to afford even the smallest ship, let alone any cargo to start trading. Like, many magnitudes of zeroes; I think the richest character mustered out with about 80,000 CR. Should I just handwave them a cheap ship and some extra seed money to get them started? It feels like I've missed something in the rules.
Edit: should have said, we have the Classic rules, title page says 'Traveller Starter Edition', 1983.