Simple C Program For Converting Nfa To Dfa Example

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by Shevis Johnson

Simple C Program For Converting Nfa To Dfa Examples

A simple java program that takes a Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA) and converts it to an equivalent Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) if one exists.

Feb 20, 2018  Program to Implement NFA with epsilon move to DFA Conversion Non-determinestic Finite Automata (NFA): NFA is a finite automaton where for some cases when a single input is given to a single state, the machine goes to more than 1 states, i.e. Some of the moves cannot be uniquely determined by the present state and the present input symbol. Nov 22, 2011  You may want to take a look at this previous question for incites. NFA/DFA implementation in C#. As indicated in the answer you could approach the problem by re-implementing the following python example in C#. . Example: L = strings ending in 01 or 10 – Simple NFA, harder DFA (LTTR). Example: L = strings having substring 101 0,1 –R ecall DFA: –NFA: a 1 b 0 c 1 d 0 0 1 0,1 0,1 1 0 1 – Simpler-has the power to “guess” when to start matching.

This program accepts and produces state machines which are formatted as follows:

  • Line 1 = list of states
  • line 2 = list of symbols
  • line 3 = start state
  • line 4 = set of accept states
  • line 5-EOF = transition function

Example Input

Simple C Program For Converting Nfa To Dfa Example In Word


Contents of nfa_example.nfa

A diagram of the nondeterministic state machine represented in the above example:

Corresponding DFA output

Contents of dfa_example.dfa

Simple C Program For Converting Nfa To Dfa Example Using Empty String

A diagram of the deterministic state machine represented in the above example:

Built and compiled in Java using IntelliJ